47 research outputs found


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    Results of long-term experimental studies and modelling of faulting are briefly reviewed, and research methods and the-state-of-art issues are described. The article presents the main results of faulting modelling with the use of non-transparent elasto-viscous plastic and optically active models. An area of active dynamic influence of fault (AADIF) is the term introduced to characterise a fault as a 3D geological body. It is shown that AADIF's width (М) is determined by thickness of the layer wherein a fault occurs (Н), its viscosity (η) and strain rate (V). Multiple correlation equations are proposed to show relationships between AADIF's width (М), H, η and V for faults of various morphological and genetic types. The irregularity of AADIF in time and space is characterised in view of staged formation of the internal fault structure of such areas and geometric and dynamic parameters of AADIF which are changeable along the fault strike. The authors pioneered in application of the open system conception to find explanations of regularities of structure formation in AADIFs. It is shown that faulting is a synergistic process of continuous changes of structural levels of strain, which differ in manifestation of specific self-similar fractures of various scales. Such levels are changeable due to self-organization processes of fracture systems. Fracture dissipative structures (FDS) is the term introduced to describe systems of fractures that are subject to self-organization. It is proposed to consider informational entropy and fractal dimensions in order to reveal FDS in AADIF. Studied are relationships between structure formation in AADIF and accompanying processes, such as acoustic emission and terrain development above zones wherein faulting takes place. Optically active elastic models were designed to simulate the stress-and-strain state of AADIF of main standard types of fault jointing zones and their analogues in nature, and modelling results are reported in the article. A good correlation is revealed between the available seismological, structural geological and geodetic data. В краткой обзорной форме освещаются достижения многолетних комплексных экспериментальных исследований. Описаны их методология и современное состояние. Представлены наиболее важные результаты моделирования процессов разломообразования на непрозрачных упруговязкопластичных и на упругих оптически-активных моделях. Для характеристики разлома как трехмерного геологического тела введено понятие «область активного динамического влияния разлома» (ОАДВР). Показано, что ее ширина М определяется мощностью вмещающего разлом слоя (Н), его вязкостью (η) и скоростью деформирования (V). Предложены формализованные выражения связи между М ОАДВР разломов разного морфолого-генетического типа с H, η и V в виде уравнений множественной корреляции. Охарактеризована временная и пространственная неравномерность ОАДВР, выражающаяся в стадийно-этапном формировании их внутренней разрывной структуры, с ее меняющимися по простиранию разлома геометрическими и динамическими характеристиками. Впервые для объяснения закономерности структурообразования в ОАДВР привлечена концепция открытых систем. Показано, что разломообразование представляет собой синергетический процесс последовательной смены структурных уровней деформации с характерным для каждого из них набором разномасштабных разрывных нарушений, обладающих свойствами самоподобия и что определяющая роль при смене структурных уровней принадлежит процессам самоорганизации систем разрывных нарушений. Для характеристики систем разрывов, вовлеченных в самоорганизацию, введено понятие «разрывные диссипативные структуры» (РДС). Для выделения РДС в ОАДВР предложено использовать информационную энтропию и фрактальную размерность. Исследована связь со структурообразованием в ОАДВР сопутствующих процессов, таких как акустическая эмиссия и рельефообразование над зонами формирующихся разломов. Представлен комплекс результатов моделирования напряженно-деформированного состояния в ОАДВР основных эталонных типов зон сочленения разломов и их природных аналогов в оптически-активных упругих моделях. Показана хорошая согласованность с данными сейсмологических, геолого-структурных и геодезических исследований.


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    Complex oxides based on Bi2O3 are often used as solid-state electrolytes for electrochem-ical devices. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to obtain solid solutions of bismuth tung-states substituted with niobium and to study their physicochemical properties.Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке Министерства науки и высшего образования РФ (задание АААА-А20-120061990010-7)


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    Results of the All-Russia conference “Faulting and associated processes in the lithosphere: tectonophysical analysis” are reviewed. It was held on 11–16 August 2014 at the Institute of the Earth’s Crust, Siberian Branch of RAS in Irkutsk, Russia. Several reports were presented by invited foreign researchers.В статье подводятся итоги Всероссийского совещания с участием приглашенных исследователей из других стран «Разломообразование и сопутствующие процессы в литосфере: тектонофизический анализ», которое состоялось 11–16 августа 2014 года в Институте земной коры СО РАН (г. Иркутск)


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    The paper presents the results of comprehensive study of the primary diamond deposit of the Nyurbinskaya pipe in the Yakutian diamondiferous province. It is established, that the pipe is confined to the fault junction of four directions and is composed of the kimberlite of four phases. Analysis of different faults and tectonic fracturing allowed to reconstruct the tectonic stress fields acting at the stage of the kimberlite body formation and to determine their occurrence sequence in time. The data obtained about regularities of the Nyurbinskaya pipe compositional structure and results of geologo-structural studies are combined in a single structural-compositional model of the deposit formation. Peculiarities of the fault network operation during the deposit formation stage are confirmed by experimental results using polarization-optical method. The model allowed to formulate the basic structural characteristics of the prospecting works object within which the formation of kimberlite body type of the Nyurbinskaya pipe is possible and to determine the elements of the fault network which are promising for the kimberlite pipes discovery.В статье представлены результаты комплексного изучения коренного месторождения алмазов трубка Нюрбинская. Установлено, что трубка приурочена к узлу разломов четырех направлений и сложена кимберлитами четырех фаз. Анализ разноранговых разрывных нарушений и тектонической трещиноватости позволил восстановить поля тектонических напряжений, действовавшие на этапе формирования кимберлитового тела и определить последовательность их проявления во времени. Полученные данные о закономерностях вещественного строения трубки Нюрбинской и результаты геолого-структурных исследований объединены в рамках единой структурно-вещественной модели формирования месторождения. Особенности функционирования разрывной сети на этапе формирования месторождения подтверждены результатами экспериментов с использованием поляризационно-оптического метода. Полученная модель позволила сформулировать признаки, определяющие основные структурные характеристики объекта поисковых работ, в пределах которого возможно формирование кимберлитовых тел типа трубки Нюрбинской, и на их основании выделить те элементы разломной сети (разломные узлы), которые являются перспективными для обнаружения кимберлитовых трубок

    Экспериментальное исследование периодической активизации разлома в сейсмической зоне

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    Our study aimed to find a mechanism that controls preparation and subsequent full seismic activation of large faults that may act as sources of strong earthquakes. A large fault was physically modeled to investigate the dynamics of its deformation. The experiments were conducted on elastoviscoplastic and elastic models of the lithosphere. A digital camera was used to capture images in the course of the modeling experiments. The digital image correlation method (DIC) detected the moments of impulse activation and displacements along the entire fault or its major segment. Between the activation moments, the fault structure consists of segments, including active ones. Activation is directional and involves a few large segments of the fault, then numerous small ruptures, and the latter are gradually degenerating. The long-term deformation dynamics of the fault is represented by a regular sequence of its full activations. In most cases, each moment of activation correlates with a minimum dip angle of the repeatability curve (β) and a maximum value of information entropy (Si). We analysed in detail the deformation dynamics of the fault and in its wings between two full activation that occurred in a regular pattern, including the phases of regression and progression of the deformation process. The analysis revealed two similar scenarios in the evolution of the active segments and plastic micro slip faults within the active segments. In some intervals of time, deformation takes place considerably differently on the segments and the plastic micro slip faults. Such differences suggest that in the studies attempting to statistically predict and assess a large and potentially seismically hazardous fault zone, this zone should be considered spatially subdivided into a central narrow subzone (including the main fault plane) and two wide subzones framing the fault wings. According to our physical modeling results, the central subzone can be up to10 km wide, and the total width of all the subzones can amount to100 km or more. This study contributes to the development of the concepts of geodynamics of large faults in the seismic zones of the lithosphere and investigates one of the possible mechanisms preparing strong earthquakes in the seismic zones.С целью поиска механизма, управляющего подготовкой и последующей полной сейсмической активизацией крупных разломов как источников сильных землетрясений, выполнено физическое моделирование деформационной динамики крупного разлома в упруговязкопластичной и упругой моделях литосферы. Моделируемый процесс фотографировался цифровой камерой с последующей компьютерной обработкой методом корреляции цифровых изображений (digital image correlation, DIC). Результаты обработки показали, что в моменты импульсной активизации происходит реализация смещений по всему разрыву или на его большей части. Между такими активизациями разрыв имеет сегментную структуру с направленной эволюцией активных сегментов – от нескольких крупных сегментов к многочисленным мелким с постепенным вырождением последних. Долговременная деформационная динамика разрыва представлена закономерной последовательностью его полных активизаций. Установлено, что моментам таких активизаций в большинстве случаев соответствуют минимальные значения угла наклона графика повторяемости (β) и максимальные значения информационной энтропии (Si). Детальный анализ динамики деформаций на разрыве и в его крыльях между двумя полными активизациями показал, что они происходят закономерно в рамках регрессивной и прогрессивной фаз деформационного процесса с проявлением двух одноименных сценариев эволюции активных сегментов и пластических микросдвигов в их пределах. Установлено, что деформационная активность сегментов и пластических микросдвигов на отдельных временных интервалах существенно отличается. Из этого следует, что при статистических прогнозных оценках зоны крупных сейсмоопасных разломов следует пространственно подразделять на центральную узкую подзону с магистральной плоскостью сместителя и две обрамляющие ее внешние широкие подзоны в его крыльях. С учетом результатов физического моделирования ширина центральной подзоны может составлять до10 км, а суммарная ширина всех подзон – до100 км и более. В целом, результаты экспериментов способствуют развитию представлений о геодинамике крупных разломов в сейсмических зонах литосферы и показывают один из возможных механизмов подготовки в них сильных землетрясений


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    Complement system is an important component of innate immunity, providing primary protection against pathogens invading the body. In addition, it was shown that the complement system is associated with many diseases, not only autoimmune and infectious, but also mental disorders. In this regard, it is necessary to develop affordable and fast method of measuring activity of the complement system in real-time mode. We present a new semi-automated method for assessment of serum complement activity. The assay is based on cytolytic action of complement system upon the ciliate organism Tetrahymena pyriformis. This method consists in repeated counting of live Tetrahymena motile cells by means of specially developed Biolat device, which consists of two video cameras, light sources, and movable round plate. The plate has two rows of holes. The device also includes microprocessor control unit based on AutoCiliata software, intended for control of operation module and counting the surviving cell. The calculations are based on fixation of two sequential video-frames, with subsequent software image processing. Cell death events were observed upon incubation in triethanolamine (TEA) buffer containing 5% of blood serum. We have also compared complement activity in different buffers, i.e., standard medium for culturing of ciliates, Veronal-Medinalum buffer, and the TEA buffer. TEA buffer was found superior to the Veronal buffer when applied in the test system. The time of cell death in the TEA-buffered medium containing 5% serum was < 15 minutes for all the sera studied. The parameters denoting serum complement activity were as follows: a half-life time for the moving cells (TLD50), and a similar value for 100% cell inactivation (1/TLD50, functional activity of the complement system, ACS). The sensitivity of this assay was calculated from dependencies between TLD50 and ACS, and actual serum concentrations. We have suggested an opportunity for evaluation of an integral complement activity, and interrelations between the intensity of synthesis and consumption of its major effector proteins. In the course of this study, we have tested different concentrations of Ca++ and Mg++ ions in the incubation buffer, with optimal physiological concentrations of2.5 mMand1.5 mM, respectively. We have also estimated statistical precision characteristics for pre-analytical and analytical steps of the method. The average coefficients of variation (CV) were 3.9% and 2.7%, respectively, thus satisfying the reliability criteria in research. A short performance time of the study suggests its potential application in clinical practice, including online examination regimens. A method for semi-automatic measurement of serum complement activity could be applicable in daily clinical practice, including the online performance


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    It is known that functional activity of complement system depends not only on balance and concentration of components participating in formation of the system end products, but also on levels of inhibitory activities. Numerous relations with hemostasis also substantially contribute to general level of complement system activity. Changes in complement system functioning are inevitable during chronic diseases accompanied with immune system dysregulation. All mental diseases tend to be chronic and are they aggravated by patients’ immune system changes. Autism spectrum disorders in children is a group of mental disorders. Immune system dysregulation is usually detected in such patients, manifesting as excessive susceptibility to viral and bacterial infections. Therefore, the level of its functional activity is diagnostically and prognostically significant in this pathology, since the complement system is a key element of immune system.We have evaluated functional activity of complement system in patients with autistic spectrum disorders, using the method which was developed earlier. It is based on the reaction of the protozoa (Tetrahymena pyriformis) which are both targets and activators for the complement system. The complement system capacity (cSC) was used as the main parameter of complement evaluation. The half-time of protozoa survival (T50) was defined using the BioLat device for each serum specimen added at four concentrations (1/20, 1/40, 1/80, 1/160 dilution). The complement capacity was calculated as the area enclosed by influence curve of the reciprocals of T50 and the serum dilution. According to Mann–Whitney U test, the difference between patients’ and healthy volunteers’ groups was established as Z = 4.43 (by T50 at 1/160 dilution), p < 0.001 and by cSCas Z = 5.8, p < 0.001. cSC was calculated from the results obtained at each serum concentration measured. The difference between the two groups according to Mann–Whitney U test appeared to be more significant than the difference according to T50. Therefore, cSC was taken as the main characteristic of complement system function.The contribution of hemostasis plasma components to complement system functional activity level was estimated by determination of complement capacity in plasma and serum of each blood sample from 6 patients with autism spectrum disorders and 5 healthy donors. All healthy donors showed small difference between plasma and serum complement capacity, and their complement activity was higher in plasma. In patients’ group, the complement capacity levels in plasma and serum differed significantly. The cSC levels of two patients were higher in serum than in plasma, and the cSC levels of three other patients were significantly higher in plasma than in serum. Differential involvement of coagulation into the complement system activation may be indicative for the immune system dysfunction which is observed in patients with autistic spectrum disorders of different etiology


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    Consideration is being given to the tectonophysical approach to the reconstruction of structure formation mechanisms and stress-strain state of rocks in hydrocarbon deposits localized in the platform cover, which has a complex structure in terms of rheological layering and disturbance by different-rank fractures. With the Kovykta gas condensate field, largest in Eastern Siberia, there were shown the main methods and ways of using modern achievements in tectonophysics for interpreting geological and geophysical information on the upper and lower parts of the sedimentary cover, unique in terms of volume and significance, that was obtained during geological exploration therein. Regularities of changes in the stress-strain state of rocks, found during the research, are combined into a tectonophysical model, which can be used as a base for other hydrocarbon deposits. The model is based on the concept of a zone-block structure of the platform cover, which is formed by a network of subvertical and subhorizontal fault zones that divide it into less faulted blocks. Disjunctive structures are highly fractured zones with concentration of relatively small low-amplitude faults, i.e. represent the early stages of faulting. The zone-block structure is formed mainly by tectonic or gravitational forces; in the first case, the stages and fracture characteristics are transformed onto the platform from the surrounding mobile belts, and in the second case they are determined by the presence of ductile rocks in the section capable of gravitational sliding. The graphic component of the tectonophysical model is 3D datasets that show the zone-block structure and stress state of rocks for the deposit with the degree of detail provided by key geophysical materials and, primarily, by seismic data. By modern GIS, this information can be quickly retrieved for any-size area of the studied rock mass and then used as a basis for solving production issues related to the development of deposits in fracture-pore reservoirs, or for analyzing general problems of their formation and dynamics.Рассмотрено содержание тектонофизического подхода к реконструкции механизмов структурообразования и напряженнодеформированного состояния пород на месторождениях углеводородов, локалиующихся в платформенном чехле, который отличается сложным строением в плане реологической расслоенноти и нарушенности разноранговыми разрывами. На примере крупнейшего Ковыктинского газоконденсатного месторождения в Восточной Сибири показаны основные приемы и способы использования современных достижений тектонофизики для интерпретации уникальной по объему и значимости геологогеофизической информации, полученной для верхней и нижней части осадочного чехла при проведении геологоразведочных работ. Закономерности напряженнодеформированного состояния пород, установленные в ходе исследований, объединены в тектонофизическую модель, которая может использоваться в качестве базовой для других месторождений углеводородного сырья. Основу модели составляют представления о зонноблоковой структуре платформенного чехла, которую образует сеть субвертикальных и субгоризонтальных разломных зон, разделяющих его на менее нарушенные блоки. Дизъюнктивные структуры являются зонами повышенной трещиноватости и сгущения сравнительно мелких малоамплитудных разрывов, т.е. представляют ранние стадии разломообразования. Зонноблоковая структура формируется главным образом под действием сил тектонической и гравитационной природы, причем в первом случае этапность и характер разрывообразования трансформируются на платформу со стороны окружающих подвижных поясов, а во втором – определяются наличием в разрезе пластичных пород, способных к гравитационному скольжению. Графической составляющей тектонофизической модели являются 3D объемы информации, отражающие зонноблоковую структуру и напряженное состояние пород для место рождения с той степенью детальности, которую обеспечивают ключевые геофизические материалы, и прежде всего данные сейсморазведки. При помощи современных ГИС эта информация может оперативно извлекаться для любого по размеру участка изучаемого породного массива и затем использоваться в качестве основы для решения производственных вопросов, связанных с разработкой залежей в трещиннопоровых коллекторах, или для анализа общих проблем их образования и динамики


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    The study was aimed to identify the features of the formation and regularities of manifestation of faults in the platform environment applying the tectonophysical approach to the study of the structure of the Tambey hydrocarbon deposit (northern Yamal), largest in the West Siberia. Such research is important in the oil and gas industry at the present stage of transition from the exploitation of declining unique and large deposits to exploration and exploitation of deposits of complex structure. The tectonophysical approach was applied consistently in three levels of research. Initial consideration was given to regular trends in the structure of the platform cover in the context of general tectonophysical ideas of disjunctive faults, their inner structure and formation features. Then, the identification of a network of large fault zones has been done at the regional level for the northern Yamal on the basis of the lineament analysis of the relief and optical modeling, three main stages of its formation have been reconstructed, and there have been identified the features of the state of stress, among other factors determining the Tambey deposit contours in three areas – western and northern Tambey and Tassyi. Finally, based on tectonophysical interpretation of 3D seismic attribute analysis data and elastoplastic modeling experiment results, for the northern Tambey area at the local level there were identified the faults zones, the features of their structures in rheologically stratified unit, and the paragenetic relationship with the regional-level structures. The study has shown that the structure of the sedimentary cover, whose formation is tectonically influenced by the adjacent mobile belts, is zone-block. It reflects the zone-block structure of the basement, though, in contrast, is not represented by narrow main-fault planes (1st-order faults). The blocks in the cover contact along rather wide zones, the inner structure of which corresponds to the early stages of faulting and is represented by a dense network of the 2nd-order fractures and faults. The fault zones are characterized by an inhomogeneous – segment – structure which is determined by an initially irregular development of deformations and complicated by rheological stratification of the sedimentary cover. Fault segments in relatively brittle rocks (sandstones) are composed of long faults whereas in more ductile (clayey) varieties these are wide parts of concentration of small faults and fractures. A style of the zone-block structure and the types of dynamic environments of its formation might be specific in different regions. The application of tectonophysical approach to the analysis of the geological-geophysical information, obtained for certain deposits, will make it possible to identify the structural conditions for hydrocarbon accumulation and migration in the sedimentary cover which is essential to choose an effective method of deposit exploitation